
November 2017

This time around, I ended up taking the 'best of' pictures and making little slide shows out of them. We (the various artists who were guests of Nebraska's War, a Magic: the Gathering tournament) were staying in the town of Lucca, and Margaret, Jeff, Jack and I did some sightseeing before the event. The main highlights were a cathedral with roman ruins being excavated beneath the church itself, and the former Roman amphitheatre (Piazza dell'Amfiteatro) where we had lunch.

The day after the convention ended, we went to Pisa for the afternoon and checked out the infamous Leaning Tower. The €18 (about $21) Jeff, Anthony, and I spent to climb up the tower itself was well worth it.

Our last day was spent in Firenze, also known as Florence. Most of our time was spent in the Uffizi Gallery Museum. I have to say I think it's highly overrated, but even after de-rating it, it's still a fairly interesting museum, although you're pretty much on your own for useful information about the works themselves, except for the one or two really really famous works, like the Da Vinci or the two Michaelangelos.

Fussy Browsers?

If your internet surfing tool du jour doesn't understand how to play the video files above, try these links instead: Lucca, Pisa, Firenze. They're exactly the same MPEG4 files, but with a different extension, because some browsers (I'm looking at you, Mozilla, and you too, Safari) aren't properly educated on file protocols.