Processing. Hannah's in front because she'll be on the dais, ready to give her address to the class. All the important people! So serious. Whew! She can smile after all! Standing next to the other student speaker. I couldn't decide which picture of Hannah's address was the best one, so about a third of the shots I took are here. Unfortunately, I was having some trouble with the auto-focus on my telephoto lens, so some of these are a smidge blurry. Her dad wanted the university banner on the podium in the shot, but I think some of these look better without it. And some shots of the other presenter. An astonishingly accomplished individual, acknowledging his award from his seat on the floor. Housemate of Hannah's, I believe. Ditto. Halfway through the awarding of diplomas, they swap what direction people cross the stage, so I scrambled to get to the other side of the auditorium so I could get a picture of Hannah's face when she got her diploma, rather than her back. 
Diploma awarded! lightbox gallery script by v6.0m

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