The Unfortunate Side Effects of Artistic Inspiration
It’s so much more fun to actually make art than it is to do the documentation. On the other hand, taking the time to make a little gallery of some of my creations does give me a chance to show off some of the things that would otherwise remain pretty darn obscure. So here’s some of the various projects and thingies that I’ve foisted upon the rest of the world over the last mumbledy-odd years.
Anticipation, the 2009 World Science Fiction Convention, held a design contest for the Hugos to be awarded at the convention, and they selected my design, which resulted in me also doing most of the actual fabrication. Go ahead and click on the picture or link to read more about it.
Also, I made the final ballot for the 2010 Hugo Awards for “Best Fan Artist.” (I ended up taking second place.) Since the only substantial works of mine that were generally visible to the public in 2009 were my Hugo bases, one figures this is the main reason I appear on the ballot, although the rules do not prohibit voters from considering previously released works by the artist when deciding how to vote. And yes, I adore the fact that I was nominated for a Hugo for making a Hugo.
For over a decade now,
I’ve been creating very limited editions of parking stickers for places that don’t really exist, usually for sale specifically at WorldCon. Sometimes there’s been some left over, and the leftovers sometimes appear at other conventions. Since 2011, I’ve also offered versions for sale through my Etsy store. They’re still each uniquely serial numbered, though.
Idon’t remember what first inspired me to start playing around within the confines of a clock face, but the result has been the non-standard clocks from my “Never Enough Time” series.
The incredible classic text adventure of yesteryear (the 1980’s, to be more precise), “Zork,” made allusions to some preposterously complicated card game called “Double Fanucci.” Then, in Zork Zero, one actually got to play Double Fanucci, which meant getting to see what was in the deck. I decided that I wanted my own, actual, real-life Fanucci deck. So I made one.
I‘m still slowly coming to grips with how many different artistic-y things I’ve been doing over the years without really thinking of it as ‘art,’ especially since much of my artistic expression is realized more as “creative graphic design” and none of it as “paint on a canvas.” It just occured to me that ‘pimping my ride’ would be something that should be listed here as well.
I have started to create art more deliberately. Instead of saying to myself “I want a Fanucci deck” or “I’ll design a Hugo today,” I’m now saying “I’m going to try this, and hopefully it will be Art when I’m done.” “Fine art,” if you will, versus “commercial art.” Some of the results of that intention can be found in this section.